Sunday, May 24, 2009

Washington, DC: Day 1

Ok everybody, I have arrived in DC and this is my first blog.

The drive up here was fun or at least as fun as 8 hours in a car with my parents can be.
We drove up through Ohio, thru West Virginia, and then we crashed in Maryland at a Country Inn & Suites. This was about the time that I had my first legitimate "freak out".

If anyone knows what a "freak out" is then you can understand how much it sucks. You get nausea, shakes, headache, doubts, and just a general feeling of uneasiness. It sucked. Big time.

But i eventually got over it once we started driving the next day and we passed a construction site. The construction crew set up a huge American flag that hung from a crane and had a light shined on it. Once I saw that i started to get excited. And then when I saw the Washington Monument I got really excited.

I checked into George Washington University and then proceeded to City Hall which is where I would be staying at. I am living on the 9th floor of my building and my room has.. um.. character? Haha. It's actually kinda cool. We got a big living room with a breakfast nook area, a nice sized kitchen, full bathroom, walk in closet, and a bedroom. Yes, one bedroom. For 3 college guys. lol This will be interesting.

My window overlooks Washington Circle and Pennsylvania Ave so I got a great view! I'm a few blocks away from the White House, Watergate, Kennedy Center, and the National Mall. The best part is that the Metro is literally 50 yards away. Also, there is a 7 Eleven and a CVS real close by.

It's very weird and surreal to actually be here. I've worked on political campaigns for 5 years now. Everything from School Board to President of the United States and everything in between. To finally be in the place that is the epicenter for politics, policy, and governing is amazing. I feel completely comfortable here even though I've only been here a few hours. Now don't get me wrong, I know I'm gonna get lost, get pissed, probably cry and break down a few times. But this feels right. Whatever it is I'm suppose to be doing I feel like I'm in the right place at the right time.

Well I'm off to go microwave me sum dinner. I'll upload sum pics and talk to you all tomorrow.



Pocket said...

Advice from someone who spent three months in another state, four months in another country, and participates in sproadic wanderings of all sorts:

embrace the "freaking out" - it builds character.

Soak up the culture.

Get drunk with locals.

Get lost all by yourself and see if you can find your way back.


Have a blast, Adam. I'm so proud of you!!

Pocket said...

make that "sporadic wanderings," not "sproadic" - that's not a word and I should know how to spell by now.